Jacqueline An Law

Practice Areas
Bail Hearings: bail hearings for all offences, bail revocation hearings, bail reviews, bail variations, bail estreatment hearings;
Homicide: murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, criminal negligence causing death;
Guns and Gang Cases; traffiking, conspiracy, prohibited weapons, organized crime;
Fraud: including large-scale frauds, uttering forged documents, breaches of trust, impersonation;
Assault: non-domestic assault, aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm, assaulting a police officer;
Domestic Assault: forcible confinement, utter threats, mischief to property;
Sexual Offences: sexual assault, sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching, sexual interference;
Crimes involving Young Persons (Minors);
Drinking and Driving Offences: impaired driving, over 80, refuse breath sample, dangerous driving, fail to remain;
Property Crimes: theft, shoplifting, possession of stolen property, possession of burglar tools, robbery, mischief under $5,000
Harassment: criminal harassment, uttering threats;
Administration of Justice Crimes: fail to comply with bail, obstruct police, obstruct justice, perjury, fail to appear;
Tort Actions
Personal Injury
Employment Law